Tribute Wall
jeri valenti uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, February 24, 2024




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jeri valenti uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, February 24, 2024




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jeri valenti uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, February 24, 2024




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This will be my last entry in your book. I will still pull it out sometimes and write to you though. I going to add more pictures so I can see you as much as possible. As I go through the pictures I can see the excitement on your face. Even in the end you were telling your stories and sharing your memories. It was the best feeling watching you be so happy about our visits, seeing the expressions on your face each time. We loved listening to your stories and how you were never afraid to share anything. I can also see the confusion when you didn't understand why you couldn't leave with us. It broke my heart every time I had to leave you. There's a picture of us and you were showing me where the door was so we could leave together. There's a picture where you are showing Natalee and Emilee the door, that picture made me cry. I can see the confusion on your face, and it just wasn't fair. Alzheimer's is an awful disease that desperately needs a cure. I am so sorry that we could not take you with us but there was no way we could give you the care you needed at our house.
I only hope and pray that you knew how much you meant to me. After your Funeral Service on January 7, 2024, we stopped at the Ameristar casino in Vicksburg, Mississippi. That was your favorite, we played your favorite slots, I drank fuzzy navels, also your favorite and ate a chicken quesadilla, another one of your favorites. Usually, I enjoy going to the casino, but this time was different. I know you were with me in spirit, but you should have been there in person. I hope you enjoyed watching me do all your favorite things that afternoon. Now I'm finding it difficult to end my words to you here. Somehow it feels like you aren't gone every time I write to you here. But I have to face the fact that you are not physically with us anymore. As you would say, time to (suck it up buttercup) when life wasn't fair. You are right I need to move forward and I'm trying, I will get there, I am strong because of you!
Okay time for me to add all the pictures to your book. Next time we talk it will be in spirit, but it will be often. I'll share your stories and memories with Moira and all the kids present and future. I love you more than words and miss you every day. Till we meet again xoxoxo
Love you always and forever, Jeri
jeri valenti uploaded photo(s)
Friday, February 9, 2024



Well Granny I found a couple more old photos, just had to add them. This last month or so has been exhausting and emotional for me. Jeremy, Jennnifer and I have all lost so much lately. We are still standing strong, and I know you would be so proud of us for that. Aunt Sue passed away on December 23rd, 2023, Terry, (Mom) passed on December 28th, 2023, and we lost you on January 5th, 2024. On February 3rd. 2024 we had the last service for our lost loved ones. I could not make it to Aunt Sues Service so while in California earlier this week we stopped by to leave her some flowers. You were always so proud of us no matter the circumstances. If we were out of line, you would let us know too, (Jennifer)! Bet You and Terry are playing bingo or a slot machine in heaven together with your Starbucks coffees. I want you to know that I am so proud of you this time. You held on so long for us and gave us the time we needed with you. Looks like I'm going to be the one going back and forth to California now. I've made two trips in the last six months. I cannot stay there as long as you would, but I'll do my best. I'll end this for now but I love and miss you so much. xoxoxoxo
jeri valenti uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, January 27, 2024




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These are pictures from our last couple of visits with you. I am so glad the girls got to see you one last time. These visits were so important to me. You even got to meet your great-great granddaughter, Moira. We actually had five generations together at one time. Thankfully, us moving to Florida made it much easier for everyone to visit with you these last couple years. This will be my last entry in your book for a while. Now I will talk to you in spirit. I love you so much and wish we could have more time together, but you are in a better place. I will cherish every memory and make sure you are never forgotten. I will share your stories and continue to talk to you every chance I get. I love you so much Granny, till we meet again. xoxoxo
Jeri Valenti
Jeri Valenti uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, January 17, 2024




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These are some of my favorite photos with you. They each have a special memory that reminds me what a beautiful person you were. I Love You Always xoxoxo
Jeri Elaine Valenti
Jennifer Jones posted a condolence
Saturday, January 13, 2024
A lot of memories of Granny are hilarious, but not always appropriate. Granny was always young at heart, both in the way she spoke and things she did. She would happily go along with the crazy things that I wanted to do, even cover for me sometimes. Don't think it was every time though, because she threw me under the bus plenty too. "LOL" It was amazing growing up with the cool Granny, until she told them she wore those skimpy panties for her man. :}
I love my Granny more than words can really explain but I'm so happy that she is back with Grandpa so they can bicker, fight and flirt like old times.
Randi Jones posted a condolence
Saturday, January 13, 2024
Our best memories with Granny are watching our parents play cards while she sat around the table, hearing them laugh and joke. Granny was known to tell an adult joke once in a while. We didn't understand back then but now that we are older, we get it, and they are funny!
She had her own way of talking and she would say whatever was on her mind. She called flip flops "thongs", which made us bust up laughing each time.
Granny was the adult that would sneak you drinks of soda or hand you candy under the table. She would stand guard while the "adults" were out of the room so we could sneak treats. She would laugh mischievously and deny that she knew it was going on, all while being on your side the whole time. She probably didn't remember much of our last visit together, but we were happy to have those lasting memories of he to carry with us forever.
Kaleea, Haylee, Natalee, Emilee and Rylee
Jeremy Jones posted a condolence
Saturday, January 13, 2024
As I sit here trying to find the words to say, all the memories come up and tears filled my eyes. How do I say anything about you? You were Granny, my Granny!
You loved your family when you were around, and you loved us when we had so much distance between us. I remember you couldn't stay in one place for very long. I didn't understand as a kid but now a man I do. You would be in California for six then back to Louisiana for the same amount of time. California and Louisiana are where your kids and grandkids were. Now as an adult I understand why you moved so much, it's hard to be away from your kids. They say home is where the heart is. Your heart was wherever we all were.
I'm going to miss you Granny, your smart remarks to everything, your quick wit to anything that was said. You were so intelligent in your own right. You never held back; you always spoke your mind regardless of who it we offend. You smoked like a freight train; I still remember that little pouch your cigarettes and lighter went in. The laughter, omg, your laughter was so contagious and made you smile anytime you heard it.
You were there when I needed it. I broke my leg when I was younger, and I still remember you telling this story. How it broke your heart because we were on our way to the hospital, and you drove over some railroad tracks which caused me to scream a bit. You said every time you drove over those tracks your heart drops a little because you can still hear me scream.
You always tried to sneak us candy or whatever we weren't supposed to have. You would go behind every adult in the family to do this for all the kids. I'm sure everyone can attest to that.
I'm just rambling now as memories come to me more and more. I know for the last five to ten years your dementia got the best of you while you were in the facility. The visits to you there were so special to me as I got to see you smile and laugh for the last times. I brought most of my kids back to see you and that will forever be a special memory for me. I watched you walk alongside them and got to see all their face when they visited. Funny thing they all got to see that quick wit I was talking about even if it didn't make sense, you still had that shock factor to them.
I love you Granny; you will always have a special place in my heart. I'm going to miss you and will forever hold my memories of you close to me.
Kenneth Ham posted a condolence
Saturday, January 13, 2024
My Mother was a kind, caring and loving person. She was always around when we needed her. She was hard working both a home and her job. She always had an ear available if you needed to talk. I remember going to church and standing with her sharing the same hymnal while singing. Later I found out that her mother, my grandmother was a Reverend. We traveled back and forth from California to Louisiana several times. Sometimes with my nieces and nephews, we enjoyed listening to her stories while driving. I promised my father that I would take care of her until she went to be with him. I drove 6 hours to be with her Thursday before she passed. I spent an hour or so before I left to get some rest. My niece Jeri called me Friday morning to tell me she was gone. She and her husband picked me up so I would not be alone.
I will love you always Mom, until we meet again.
Kim Bailey posted a condolence
Saturday, January 13, 2024
Mom was always there for each of us, She had a way of treating each one of us as special to her. When I was young, I remember that we were not rich but never wanted for anything. We had a roof over of us, we had food and clothes but most of all we were loved by her. In my heart I know she loved each of us as individuals. She cared and loved us for who we are and not what she thought we should be.
Karen Jones posted a condolence
Saturday, January 13, 2024
Joey remembers when Mom lived with us. He said she was like a second Mom to him. When he and I were working she would take Jeremy to the corner restaurant to eat. No one would have known they did this till I came home early one day.
Kaleea Jones uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, January 7, 2024




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From our visit in September 2023
Kaleea Jones uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, January 7, 2024




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From our visit in September 2023
Kaleea Jones uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, January 7, 2024




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From our visit in September 2023
Kaleea Jones uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, January 7, 2024




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From our visit in September 2023
Kaleea Jones uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, January 7, 2024




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From our visit in September 2023
Kaleea Jones uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, January 7, 2024




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From our visit in September 2023
Kenneth Ham uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, January 7, 2024



Me and my mother.
From childhood to adult we where always within a call away. Will miss her deeply.
Jeri Elaine Valenti uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, January 7, 2024




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Jeri Elaine Valenti uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, January 7, 2024

I Love You so much, words cannot describe. You were my everything for as long as I can remember. Even though you are gone, even though you didn't remember, I know you are still with me Always. I will still talk to you just as I have everyday. You may be gone from this world but you are with me in my heart forever, till we meet again......xoxoxoxo
Karen Jones posted a condolence
Saturday, January 6, 2024
I remember when we were little (school age). Before we left for school Mom and Ma (my grand mother) would bring us kids into the living room and we would all kneel down at the sofa to pray for the day. We would start off with the Lord's Prayer then Mom would have us all add our own prayer for the day and Ma would end the prayer and we would all go off to school. We walked to school 10 blocks. Our Pastor lived 2 blocks away and we would walk with his children some days. I miss my Mom and this is my favorite memory from when we were litte.
Karen Jones posted a condolence
Saturday, January 6, 2024
This is Karen, I remember when we were kids before we left for school each morning Mom and ma would bring us three kids into the living room and we all knelt down to pray for the day. We would take turns drawing a verse from the little bread box verses she had. We would read the verse and pray for the day and what would happen that day. We would all have the chance to add to the prayer, then Mom would lead us in the Lords Prayer. Afterwards we would all walk to school, it wasn't far. This would start off our day and it really meant something to me. We will miss Mom greatly.
Jessica Valenti uploaded photo(s)
Friday, January 5, 2024




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Jessica Valenti uploaded photo(s)
Friday, January 5, 2024




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The family of Joycelyn Elaine Ramsey uploaded a photo
Friday, January 5, 2024

Please wait
Jessica Valenti posted a condolence
Friday, January 5, 2024
The best memories of Granny were butter and honey sandwiches with the crust cut off. She always had old fashioned caramels and strawberry candy. We’d play uno and she’d cheat because she’d keep cards under her leg. We played hide and seek and she was always very spontaneous when it came to doing something. If we went to Denny’s and she always took silverware or cups. Once I remember she took the salt and pepper shakers, it was never a dull moment with her.
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Joycelyn Elaine
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Golden Funeral Home has been an independent locally owned funeral service provider since 1924. Let us assist you in all of your funeral service needs. We are the only full service funeral provider in the area with the best services and prices.
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Our Location
2016 East Madison Avenue (Highway 165 N.)
Bastrop, Louisiana 71220
(318) 281-3171
Right across the street from McDonalds restaraunt