Tribute Wall
Tommy and Debbie Hall posted a condolence
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
We remember Mr Bobby from our time as members at First Assembly. He was a kind and caring man. He always made us feel welcomed. God Bless his family, Tommy and Debbie Hall
Jana Faulkenbury Cannon posted a condolence
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Robby, I am Vince's sister, Jana. I want you and your family to know I have been praying for you with the loss of your father and brother. And I thought your mother was SO sweet. Robby, we have hope in Christ Jesus that one day, if we are saved, we will be reunited with our loved ones and no goodbyes will ever be spoken. I Pray for comfort and peace for today and the days ahead. In friendship, Jana Faulkenbury Cannon
Marigold Cheshier posted a condolence
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
I have wonderful memories of Bobby, my cousin. One of the fond memories was when I actually was his pastor’s wife. I had purchased a new motorcycle. No one in the church knew that I had a motorcycle and I wanted to keep it that way for at least a while. I got a black helmet with a black face and put on some gauchos and boots to take my motorcycle out for the very first time. I pulled up to the red light downtown bastrop, and guess who pulled up beside me, Bobby. I didn’t look at him because I did not want him to recognize me , however he rolled his window down and said good morning Marigold how are you doing? Are you enjoying riding your motorbike? That was it. Everyone would know by evening that I had a motorbike so I might as well announce it at church and I did. Bobby was a lot of fun and he will be greatly missed.
Irene Deal-Fuller posted a condolence
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Im sorry to hearl bro. Goodwin passing. I grew up going to church with them and my parents and uncles were close to this family. Sis Betty jo was a great organist and piano player as well as a singer. They both love the Lord. He always had a smile. He now has a new home called heaven. U will be missed. God bless u. Sis. Irene Deal-Fuller
Cindy Rainbolt posted a condolence
Monday, February 13, 2023
Mr Bobby was one of the greatest! He was always willing to lend a hand, tell stories and feed us during his time at Morehouse Community Medical Centers (now known as Communihealth). It was a privilege to know him. Prayers and condolences to his family!
Dr. David W. Martin posted a condolence
Monday, February 13, 2023
I was honored to be Bobby's pastor for 11 and 1/2 of those years. Many experiences together as we built the new First Assembly. (Too many Whoppers to count.) He would always call my piastoral friend in Biloxi, MS "that lying preacher" because he was a referencce for my when I contacted First Assembly to become its pastor. Bobby, you will never be forgotten by Dora and me. You have made an impact for the Kingdom.
Shana Smith uploaded photo(s)
Monday, February 13, 2023


The family of Bobby Allen Goodwin uploaded a photo
Monday, February 13, 2023

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Bobby Allen
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Bastrop, Louisiana 71220
(318) 281-3171
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